If it has not already gotten really hot where you are yet, there are some steps you can take to help keep your home cleaned and organized this summer.
I don’t want to sound like your mother, or even my mother, but realize that “YOU” will have to clean as you go. I am guilty of this myself, and only realize it when I am home alone, decompressing… If you can’t clean as you go then I highly recommend hiring this task out to a professional maid service.
Have Kiddo’s with Toys?
My littlest ones ( Ages 6 and 5) are great at being creative and using all of their toys but hate picking up the “drop zone” when they are done playing. So to teach them that they need to pick up when they are done I have re-instituted the Counting Bear Reward system. Yes, I realize it is bribery to get them to do something that they should already do willingly but in all honestly it is worth me paying them a small fee rather than the traditional method of just yelling and punishing them by giving them a time out.
Each bear is worth .50 cents and they can cash them end at the end of the month. Some months they can earn 25.00 each then I take them over to the local retailer so they can purchase what they want.
So now you know my secret of keeping the clutter at bay from my little ones.
All that dusting Daily, Weekly…
If you are still leaving the windows open at all hours you can purchase a feather duster or a stiffer and give a quick 1,2 to all surfaces, don’t forget to tap that feather duster against your foot every couple of swipes as the feather duster can only hold so much dust.
Air-Conditioning Units
Remember to change the filter at all appropriate air conditioning intake vents. This helps to keep the dust down inside your home and prolongs the life of your air conditioning unit. Also if you live in a home that has a swamp cooler, have someone go up on the roof to remove the cover and check the water line for perfect optimization for cooling the inside air.
Purging of things no longer needed or wanted…
I am really big on getting rid of things that I know longer need or want. My father was a hoarder towards the end of his life and it was so overwhelming all of the stuff he had accumulated. It literally was a 35,000 square foot warehouse that was filled from floor to ceiling of just things he was going to get around to….(he also had 10 cars, 5 trailers, and a RV.)
If you choose this for you summer task, I recommend the following:
Only do one room at a time. Or if that feels too much, then I would just start with a closet. Pull out contents of closet, wipe shelves off, put fresh cedar bars inside then go through the items that you no longer need or want. Refold neatly and organize by color.
Change your SHEETS on your beds!
With sheets, I just take the whole set, fold flat first, then add fitted sheet next, then I add all pillow cases for that set. This way it’s all ready and you don’t have to go hunting around for pillowcases and it’s a space saver.
Sheet changes should happen once a week! Comforters should get washed monthly, you can have them laundered at a local laundry mat or do them your self at your local laundry mat. You can even check with your local cleaning service, most offer laundry service.
When I had my first set of children, they used to complain that we should have a dishwasher. I would always tell them that I already had two dishwashers! With that being said, Dishes should be washed daily. And put away as soon as the are dried. It’s a constant cycle, but it is just something that has to be done unless you eat out all the time. There are several great dishwashers on the market that are super quite and sanitize. My dishwasher is from he 90’s and I secretly can’t wait till it breaks so I can buy a newer model!
Many blessings, good health and a clean happy home!
Lady Shannon Miller