It’s 4pm and it’s just been announced that you are having company coming for dinner and you were up late last night and didn’t pick up after yourself. You didn’t even make the bed!
I am soooo guilty of this. And to be honest it happens for frequently than I would like it to. ( At least once a week!)My excuse is that fact that I have 20 indoor birds, 4 dogs, a husband and 2 littles. So it’s a constant battle to remain tidy. And my home gets a though once over every Saturday with the exception of Soccer Season.
Here is the way that I do it.
I start on the top level of my home and work down. So I will pick up any clothes that did not make it into the laundry basket. And I will pick up toys that wandered from their bins over night. I will make all the beds, and then wipe off the bathroom counters and check those toilets to set if something didn’t get flushed. I will then vacuum. Vacuuming is good for your carpet but psychologically speaking if you have nice lines from vacuuming of your carpet it tells the person “wow they are super clean!”
For the main level of my home. I will unload and load the dishwasher, wipe off all the counters and vacuum my tile floors. To be honest, we vacuum the tile floors 2x a day, 7 days a week. I am sure you caught that I have birds….
Then the bottom level. I will give a quick vacuum to the office and Video Room-Where I film for my YOUTUBE channel. And wipe off the the bathroom counter and flush the toilet.
Ta da! It takes about .30-.45 minutes to fluff my home.
Photo Credit: Shutter Stock